
Solar Farm at Horton Wood

A planning application for a large solar farm at Horton Wood covering around 178 acres has been received by SDC, which includes a sub-station building within Fawkham Parish. This will be considered...

Time Capsule

Fawkham Parish Council is creating a time capsule to mark the end of the second Elizabethan era, which we hope to bury at the Christmas tree light event on 26th November. We are pulling...

Her Majesty The Queen: 1926 – 2022

Fawkham Parish Council is saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty. Throughout her seventy-year tenure as our monarch, she has been a strong figurehead. Always demonstrating her commitment...

Road name signs

You may have noticed that Fawkham has some new road name signs, like the one shown below. These have recently been installed by Sevenoaks District Council to replace damaged ones. We’d like...