

Fawkham Parish Precept 2023/24

Fawkham Parish Council has agreed upon the level of precept - the Parish Council element of your council tax - required to fund the responsibilities and activities it undertakes on behalf of the...

Fawkham Parish Time Capsule

The time capsule to mark the end of the second Elizabethan era was buried on Saturday, when the Christmas tree lights were switched on. It contains a variety of information, including what Fawkham...


Sevenoaks District Council’s (SDC) new draft Local Plan is now at the public consultation stage (Regulation 18). The Plan contains policies and priorities which will guide what can be built, and...


SEVENOAKS LOCAL PLAN UPDATE You may recall Sevenoaks District Council’s (SDC) draft Local Plan failed the scrutiny of the Planning Inspector in 2019 and that SDC is now preparing a new Emerging...

Remembrance Service : Sunday 13th November

Remembrance Service : Sunday 13th November A short Remembrance Service will be held at 12.00 on Sunday 13th November by the war memorial on the village green, with a minute's silence and a...

Solar Farm at Horton Wood

A planning application for a large solar farm at Horton Wood covering around 178 acres has been received by SDC, which includes a sub-station building within Fawkham Parish. This will be considered...

Time Capsule

Fawkham Parish Council is creating a time capsule to mark the end of the second Elizabethan era, which we hope to bury at the Christmas tree light event on 26th November. We are pulling...