
Fawkham Parish Precept 2023/24

Fawkham Parish Council has agreed upon the level of precept – the Parish Council element of your council tax – required to fund the responsibilities and activities it undertakes on behalf of the community for 2023/24. 

After carefully assessing the costs we anticipate will need funding, we are pleased to advise you that the total amount is less than last year’s figure. The Band D rate will be £70.89, a reduction of 9.5% compared to last year, which is understood to be the second largest reduction in Parish precept within Sevenoaks District. FPC received a payment from South East Water of £2,500 in recognition of the water supply problems experienced by some residents last summer, and has used this money in full to reduce the amount of funding required from residents through the precept. 

Whilst the total amount of the Council Tax, including the amounts levied by Sevenoaks District and Kent County Councils, is not yet confirmed, we understand that Fawkham is likely to have the lowest overall % increase in Council Tax within Sevenoaks. 

Fawkham Parish Council