
Salts Farm Depot Development of 26 units

 Outline planning permission was granted on appeal in 2021 for 26 units at this site by the railway bridge. A new access point was agreed, and all other planning matters were reserved for the full planning application. The other matters include the layout of the development, design of the houses, type of housing, landscaping etc. While the full planning application not yet been submitted, an application to discharge some of the pre-commencement conditions has been made. These conditions include the:
Layout, scale, landscaping and appearance of the development
Parking, EV points and cycle storage
Ecology Assessment and Ecology Management and Monitoring, and Ancient Woodland Protection
Surface water strategy
Acoustics/noise assessment
Air Quality
Should you wish to look at, or comment on, this information, the documents are on SDC’s website under planning ref: 22/03424:
The key documents are the Planning Statement and the Design and Access Statement. FPC will be discussing this application at its meeting on Thursday 19th January (7:30 in the village hall) which you are welcome to attend.
Fawkham Parish Council