
Laura Trott MP visits Fawkham

Our local MP, Laura Trott, has recently made two visits to Fawkham at the invitation of the Parish Council, when she was taken to a number of locations including St.Mary's church, Churchdown Woods,...

Remembrance Service

A short service of remembrance will be held at 12 noon on Sunday November 14th at the war memorial on the village green. A wreath will be laid on behalf of the parish. All welcome to...

Local Housing Needs in Fawkham

Residents of Fawkham received a Local Housing Needs survey in the post this week. This aims to find out if there is a need for affordable housing and/or housing for older people in the Parish, and...

What makes Fawkham special?

As part of updating the Local Plan, Sevenoaks District Council are asking people to fill in a survey about what makes their area special. Those of us who live in Fawkham know it’s a special...

Fawkham Parish Councillor Vacancy

Fawkham Parish Council is looking to co-opt a new Member onto the Council.  This is a voluntary position and would suit someone who has a keen interest in Fawkham and is willing to be actively...

Flowers at St. Mary’s Church

The Parish of Fawkham and Hartley is looking for volunteers to add to the St. Mary’s Church flower rota which involves volunteers preparing arrangements at St. Mary’s Church. If you don’t...

Wildflowers on Baldwin’s Green

You may remember a News post in August asking whether you would like to see wildflowers grown on the triangle area at the bottom of Castle Hill called Baldwin's Green, where the village sign is....