
PUBLIC MEETING: 23/01927/FUL – Gay Dawn Farm Planning Application

23/01927/FUL – Gay Dawn Farm Pennis Lane Fawkham Kent DA3 8LY

As per our Facebook posts, this is just a reminder that we will be holding a public meeting this evening (Monday 7 August 2023) at 7:30pm in the village hall to discuss the above planning application.
A planning application has been submitted for houses at Gay Dawn Farm (Corinthian Sports Club), Pennis Lane. Demolition of one barn and the part-demolition and conversion of three barns to form nine self-contained dwellings with associated parking, private gardens and landscaping. Approximate site location is shown below.
Full details can be found on SDC’s website under reference 23/01927/FUL:…/
Any comments are required to be sent to Sevenoaks District Council by 11th August. Fawkham Parish Council will be hosting a public meeting this evening to discuss this application.
Kind regards
Fawkham Parish Council