
A Neighbourhood Plan for Fawkham?

Sevenoaks District Council’s InShape newsletter says the Government’s proposed changes to planning laws would “effectively remove residents’ voices from the planning process”. Creating a...

Fawkham Manor Listing

I'm pleased to let you know that our application to have Fawkham Manor listed has been successful. The principal reasons for the decision for listing Fawkham Manor, designed in 1866-1867 by E B...

Advent Windows

Advent Windows coming soon! Fawkham Parish Council is taking part in this special event in the run up to Christmas. Every day to Christmas Eve a new window will be revealed in Fawkham, Hartley,...

Parish in Bloom – Silver Award

Fawkham Parish Council entered Fawkham into “Parish in Bloom” for the first time in 2020 and we were delighted to achieve a Silver Award. Further details about this can be found on the...

Remembrance Sunday

Lest We Forget The fallen [caption id="attachment_12522" align="alignnone" width="360"] We remember them[/caption] [caption id="attachment_12523" align="alignnone" width="360"] Wreath laid...

Remembrance Service 2020

It is with regret that we are cancelling the Remembrance Service this year, but we feel this is the right decision in the current circumstances. A wreath will be laid on behalf of the village, with a...

Village Hall Refurbishment

We’re pleased to let you know that an extensive refurbishment of the village hall has been undertaken during recent months while the hall was closed. The hall now has new flooring throughout, a new...