
Chimmens Solar Farm at Speedgate

The planning application for this proposal has now been received. Comments need to be submitted to Sevenoaks District Council by 18th January. The proposal is for a 99 hectare (245 acre) site on...

Orchard Farm Update

Sevenoaks District Council has granted planning permission for 8 bungalows, with associated parking, landscaping and other works, behind Orchard Farm, Fawkham Road (adjacent to the railway bridge)....

Sevenoaks Local Plan Update

Sevenoaks District Council's (SDC) new draft Local Plan is about to undergo a second stage of public consultation. The Plan contains policies which will guide what can be built and where, and what...

New Priest-in-Charge

Please see below an announcement from the Diocese of Rochester regarding the new Priest-in-Charge: "The Bishop of Rochester is pleased to announce that, subject to the usual mandatory checks and...

Fawkham Neighbourhood Plan Update

We would like to thank all those who took the time to come along to one of the Neighbourhood Plan exhibitions held over the summer and to those who completed the questionnaire. We had 73...