Council Members

07503 651138

Grace Champion


We employ a Clerk, who is paid for eight hours a week. Our clerk is Grace Champion and she joined us in September 2021.

Grace has lived in Fawkham with her husband and two young sons since 2015, although she had been coming to the area all her life to visit family and it therefore felt natural to settle here herself. She enjoys walking her dogs Lola and Betty and exploring our lovely countryside with her children and husband. She is keen to help to contribute to creating a community family spirit in Fawkham.

As clerk, Grace provides advice and administrative support, receives official correspondence and issues correspondence on the instructions of the Council, and takes action to implement council decisions. The clerk is the “proper officer” of the council in law, and also acts as the “Responsible Financial Officer”, undertaking financial monitoring and reporting. 

The Clerk also prepares agendas for meetings of the Council, gives notice of these to the Council members and the public, and records and publishes the minutes of these meetings. She is the formal point of contact with the public.