Council Members

James Cherry


James and his family moved to Fawkham in late 2020 just as the country was entering lockdown. In spite of this, the very limited interaction with residents and the pub – courtesy of their takeaway Sunday roasts – made them feel immediately at home. His two youngest children have since taken up places at the primary school and Fawkham Pre-School which they have both settled into extremely well.

The friendly, close knit atmosphere of the village and the beautiful scenery are two of the things that has made the whole family fall in love with Fawkham.

James works for a large bank dealing with pension governance and also sits on a pensions board. Apart from spending time with his family James enjoys participating in and watching various sports, reading, going to the theatre and watching live music.

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Declaration of Acceptance

Declaration of Acceptance – Vice Chair 2024