
Platinum Jubilee – Thank You

Sunday 5th June was certainly a day to remember for Fawkham when we hosted our own Platinum Jubilee Party.

Thank you to all those who contributed to the GoFundMe appeal which enabled us to purchase jubilee momentos for children and prizes for the competition winners, as well as other provisions and supplies.

And a big thank you to all our wonderful committee of volunteers who worked with us tirelessly up to and including on the day: Elaine, Jolene, Murray, Natalie, Raine and Rob.

If you planned to attend the event but couldn’t make it and booked tickets for your children, please contact us to arrange to collect their gifts.

And finally thank you to everyone of you who attended and made it a really special and memorable event.

Fawkham Parish Council: James, Laura, Lucie, Maxine, Will, and our Clerk, Grace