
Volunteers Wanted

Volunteers Wanted

Sevenoaks District Independent Police Advisory Group are looking for people to volunteer to help represent diverse communities across Sevenoaks District and to assist Kent Police with its work in supporting victims of crime.

Residents have the opportunity to join the Independent Police Advisory Group (IPAG), which acts as a critical friend to Kent Police, Sevenoaks District, West Division.

The group is totally independent of the force and helps improve the services police provide to people from different backgrounds.

It includes volunteers who can offer their perspectives around issues such as race, sexual orientation, disability, age and gender.

The IPAG provides a platform and an opportunity to engage, consult and discuss the impact of policing on communities in your local district.

Members are able to share feedback to Kent Police from the communities and local areas they represent, as well as give advice and support during critical incidents.

The IPAG also includes people from minority groups and diverse backgrounds; volunteers have the opportunity to bring along independent thoughts and views which Kent Police will listen and respond to.

If you are interested in joining the Sevenoaks District IPAG, please email