
Have your say – Creating a Safer Future Together, Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Authority, Community Risk Management Plan and Survey 2024

Have your say – Creating a Safer Future Together, Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Authority, Community Risk Management Plan and Survey 2024

Earlier in the year, Kent Fire and Rescue Service completed a community risk survey, which has informed the development of our action plan for the next four years.

The plan has been approved by the Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Authority, and their public consultation has gone live to get residents’ views on:

  • changes to the way we measure incident response times
  • the level of council tax they’re prepared to pay for fire and rescue services in 2025/26

They are not proposing to change our response to incidents, or fire stations, just how they measure response times.

Feedback deadline: before 18 January 2025.

Take part here:

You can read more about the consultation, here: Have your say on how KFRS measures response times | Kent Fire and Rescue Service