Help Develop Our Neighbourhood Plan
We would like residents of Fawkham to help develop a ‘vision’ for the future of Fawkham and to contribute to a set of key aims for our Neighbourhood Plan. We are holding a workshop to draw on local knowledge and to develop a deeper understanding of what is important to residents, building on the village survey from 2019. The vision and aims will set the framework for our Neighbourhood Plan which is being prepared by the Parish Council, and ensure it reflects what the community wants and needs.
The workshop is being held on Thursday 7th July, from 7:30 – 9:30pm at the village hall, and will be run by Tony Fullwood, the planning consultant we have helping us with the Plan. The workshop will involve discussions in small groups, looking at a what residents value about Fawkham under a number of themes and issues including community facilities, housing, business, heritage and the natural environment.
The more people who can attend from across the Parish, the more representative the Neighbourhood Plan will be, so please let us know by 27th June if you are able to join us, either by emailing or by leaving a message on 07503 651138 – we very much hope you can.
Fawkham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group on behalf of Fawkham Parish Council