Fawkham Rocks first began during the Coronavirus lockdown period, when our Clerk entertained her young sons by painting rocks with them. These were hidden in the church meadow for others to find, and it snowballed from there! Within a couple of months, well over one hundred rocks had been painted and hidden in woods, on stiles, besides footpaths, on benches, by gates and on trees. People of all ages enjoyed painting them and discovering them on their daily walks around the village, with many posting their finds on the Fawkham Community Facebook Group.
For VE Day’s 75th anniversary in May 2020, a rock painting competition was held, with Adele Barker, our newly-installed Priest-in-Charge judging the entries in different categories. The talented winners received a certificate and a prize. Many of the VE Day stones were placed by the filbert tree planted to commemorate VE Day 75.
Towards the end of May 2020, Fawky the snake and The Hungry Caterpillar aka Colin made their appearance, and their bodies began to grow as people added stones.
It’s hoped that the fun of decorating, hiding and finding stones will long continue!