
Fawkham Manor – Revised Planning Proposal

A revised planning application has been submitted for Fawkham Manor, along with a new Listed Building Consent Application. Key changes that have been made are stated by the developer’s agent as:

  • A reduction in the overall number of units proposed from 32 to 26
  • A change in the type of units proposed in Block A from 20 two bed apartments to 6 four bed terraced “mews” houses, the same as Blocks B and C
  • Block A has been detached from the service wing of the manor house, creating a gap between the two, and the gabled and hipped end of the listed building will be restored
  • Redesign of all three new build blocks (A, B and C) to simplify their elevations (removal of protruding gables, balconies and roof level dormers), change from the mirrored elevation effect previously proposed to a more conventional terrace arrangement
  • Removal of allotment planters within the grounds of the listed building
  • Alteration to the plot shape, landscaping and path layout around Block C to establish a more organic approach to the northern side of the listed building from the north-eastern car park.
In addition, Block A appears to have been moved back to be in line with the frontage of the manor, although private gardens are now proposed in front of Block A (entrances doors are round the back, accessed from the courtyard area between the three blocks).
You can find full details of these on SDC’s website under reference 21/00695 and 21/00696. The key documents to review are:
– the design and access statement
– the planning statement
– the heritage statement
which also contain plans and drawings of what is proposed.

The deadline for responses is April 5th.

Fawkham Parish Council will be holding a meeting via Zoom at 7:30 on Monday 22nd March to consider its response to this application. You are very welcome to join that and we are interested in knowing the views of Fawkham residents, especially those who live close to the site. Joining details are shown below:

Topic: Fawkham Parish Council Meeting
Time: Mar 22, 2021 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 1526 8785
Passcode: 531822
Kind regards

Fawkham Parish Council